gone to the dogs....

it's all about the dogs (and sometimes the cats & the fish) -- in other words, jel and bob's animal menagerie. :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

girl scout pups update -

thin mint being adopted, finally!!

do-si-do (on left) came back for a visit months later!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Shaggy (aka Lyle) update

here are some pics of lyle (now shaggy) -- the husky is scooby. too cute!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

updated lyle pics

here's my boy yesterday morning - this was right before we went to adoptions - and he has a new forever home!! his new sister (or brother) is a husky!

kitten pics!

here are kitten pics - the little black one below is a female, the grey tabby and white one is a male, and i haven't yet sexed the 3rd black one (who you can see hiding in the picture below). meow meow (the tuxedo black n' white) is a girl, too.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

lola & lovett's new families!!

"Cindy says Nina [Lovett's new name] is doing absolutely wonderful. Their 3 yr old Lab thinks they got Lola just for her. They are great playmates and have an unbelievable time together. They are having no problems with Lovett."

Jasmine said Lola is doing great, wonderful. She sits, comes and lies down when told. Jasmine says Lola is just a joy and is so loving. She has lots of toys in her kennel so goes in readily at night.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

lyle & lovett sibling!!

this just in - friends in the neighborhood found a sibling of lyle and lovett's under their porch!! craziness.

feral kitten

so this is the kitten i've been calling "meow meow" - she's about 5 weeks old and is FEISTY.

isn't she adorable? she's started trusting me and purring when i hold her.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

bob's birthday bash + puppies :)

lola playing with scout

lyle being adorable

post-shower jel with lyle and lovett

beth lovin' lola

bob's birthday bash + puppies, continued...

blair with lyle and lovett

maxine's boy blue came over for the festivities

dakota & ubu mingle with our guests

puppy pile!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

more puppies!

the puppies have been to the vet (decatur village is great!) and are now sleeping in the kitchen adorable as ever. lyle's 11.9 lbs, lola is 9.9 lbs, and lovett is 8.6 lbs. i think lyle and lovett are closer to 9 wks old (thought that's just my guess) while lola is 12 wks old.

here's more pictures.lola on the deck

lyle and lovett being freaking ADORABLE

lovett chillin'

lyle & lola wanting some lovin'

lovett hiding behind the grill

Thursday, May 24, 2007

when it rains...it pours...puppies!!

this afternoon/evening have been busy...very coincidentally 2 sets of puppies came into my care. first, i got home from work and paige had sent me an e-mail asking if i could pick up this puppy that was at this house in decatur, living in its own excrement and owned by people who didn't know what to do with it. so off we went - within a half hour of getting the message, bob and i had said puppy. lola. she's a doll!

then i got home, got her settled in and bob and i took off to go workout in brownwood park, get a call from cassi - she's come home to find two fluffball puppies under her front porch. ADORABLE again. so we went from no puppies at 4:15 p.m. to 3 puppies by the end of the evening. don't you want one? :)
this is lovett....

and this one is lyle.....

my wiley

here's wiley....the dog i'm in love with. it's been just over a year now since i got him as a foster...and i still can't pet him. but he's made huge progress...he's actually house-trained somehow (how do you house-train a dog that runs away when you look it in the eye...but somehow, it happened). he also likes to sit just out of arm's reach now...and sleep while you're nearby....and come get treats from your hand...and lick your outstretched palm. he's getting there...it'll just be a long time....figure in another year he'll be pettable.

beulah update...i MISS this girl.

Hello Jelena!
Beulah keeps making such good progress! The only time she gets nervous anymore is when we go for a walk in an unfamiliar area. But even then it doesn't last long because she gets distracted with smells and I'm there to reassure her. I've been taking her for short car rides to the arboretum or to the pet store. I'm making a trip to Louisville later this week to see my parents and I think she's prepared for it. She's so good no matter what! Beulah doesn't do anything wrong. I think she actually enjoys car rides now. She'll watch the cars go by and smell all the smells and if she gets sleepy she'll curl up and take a nap.
Beulah actually barked the other day when someone knocked on the door! She was sleeping and she heard the knock and jumped up and let out one and a half little barks. I think her barking startled her because she turned around and looked at me funny. It scared me for sure! The strange thing was it wasn't the first time someone knocked on the door. It's the only noise she's made though! I wish she'd make her chew bacca noises. I guess I'll just have to be more patient.
I'm sending you more pictures. Two are right after she got a bath. She escaped out of the bathroom and was running around the living room. She was still all wet but was so happy I couldn't make her stop and it was too cute! There's another picture of her in a little doggie rain coat. It rained several days last week and Beulah hated going out to potty when she'd get all wet. I didn't know if she'd appreciate me putting a coat on her, but she did so good with it on and wouldn't stop wagging her tail! Anyway, enjoy the pictures! There will be more to come, I'm sure.
"Beulah's mom"

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Madame & Beulah updates

Well Madame is doing very well in her new home - even sleeps on the bed now and let's her new momma rub her belly (what progress for that little girl!!!).

Beulah has become a great addition to our home - it's going to be hard to let her go when we find the right forever home for her. She is so cheerful and sweet and all she wants is for you to pet her under her chin or around her big butterfly ears. Last weekend she was off for about 24 hours or so, maybe a stomach bug, and it really amazed me how vibrant she really is (when she felt better on monday it was such a difference!). I wish i could record her little talking voice and put it on here - she does this little guttural purring/chewbacca like thing when she's all excited your home and wants to play with you.

The big girls are doing well as always - even more used to the revolving door of visiting dogs - when wiley first showed up, they didn't even get so crazy as to bark at him!

welcome wiley e. coyote. this is a papillon mix that is our newest foster - he's been here a week now. i personally think he has sheltie in him. he is the most frightened yet curious dog i might have ever met. he's scared of almost anything that i do (including trying to convince him to come in the house from the yard) but when i come home and am greeted by the chorus of beulah's barks, he is right up at the gate next to her looking to see what i'm doing.  Posted by Picasa

wiley from the left... Posted by Picasa

wiley heads over to sniff out something that smells suspiciously like...food! Posted by Picasa

here, he's about to stand up and sniff the dog food sitting above him...  Posted by Picasa

look how happy he looks!! tail up and all!!!
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Sunday, April 16, 2006

we went to visit buster brown's family yesterday and this is a picture of darby (left) with 2 of her teammates with the family's new lab rescue foster puppy, daisy..... Posted by Picasa